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 How long is Kairouan going to be marginalized?

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9arwia 7orra

9arwia 7orra

Nombre de messages : 309
Age : 33
Localisation : kairouan
Humeur : 7md
Loisirs : Anything that gives life and meaning to my mind and spirit
Date d'inscription : 28/07/2010

How long is Kairouan going to be marginalized? Empty
MessageSujet: How long is Kairouan going to be marginalized?   How long is Kairouan going to be marginalized? EmptySam 26 Mar - 14:07

Kairouan has plenty of cases to be taken care of. During the Era of ZABA, it was marginalized. Ever since the uprising of the tunisian people, it has been marginalized. People are not only trying to solve their personal problems, but are also starting to ignor the general issues that concern all of Kairouan. I, and I am sure that there are plenty of people like me, am not into or well informed about what is going on in Kairouan. However, I am sure that if we would start talking about the cases that should be taken care of in Kairouan, we will not only increase our knowledge but also find a way to solve those problems. According to you, what is the first case that the temporary government or even the future elected government should pay attention to?
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How long is Kairouan going to be marginalized?
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