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 Freshmen in Raggeda : Discrimination: -- Wri

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2 participants
9arwia 7orra

9arwia 7orra

Nombre de messages : 309
Age : 33
Localisation : kairouan
Humeur : 7md
Loisirs : Anything that gives life and meaning to my mind and spirit
Date d'inscription : 28/07/2010

Freshmen in Raggeda : Discrimination: -- Wri Empty
MessageSujet: Freshmen in Raggeda : Discrimination: -- Wri   Freshmen in Raggeda : Discrimination: -- Wri EmptyJeu 29 Juil - 22:25

Raggeda is a rural place. It is a part of the city of Kairouan. However, what matters the most in my case is not Raggeda itself, it is the Faculty of Raggeda: F.L.S.H.K.
The discrimination I have witnessed is unbelievable. This discrimination has been practiced by all walks of life that live in Raggeda: by most of the students, most of the employers and employees, and even by some of the teachers. The most important thing in this case is the reason. Is it practised because of the big differences which exist between people who go there? Is it practised because of the fear people feel when they meet other people they do not know about? I think that the answer of these two questions is: no. As a matter of fact, people practise discrimination for superiority. They want to feel superior. I do not know what kind of feeling superiority gives them. It might be self satisfaction. It might be popularity. But, both of these reasons are not enough to justify discrimination which sometimes leads to cruelty and hostility. Some of the aspects of discrimination in Raggeda are the looks of despise. People from Kairouan City despise those who come from the South of Tunisia. It is because these latter are too poor to dress well, to spend well, to live well, and even to eat well. Some of my friends come from the South. You can never believe how much they are suffering from such attitude. You also can never imagine the life they are living: a life of poverty, a life of alienation, and a life of fear and insecurity. Why? It’s because people, not only from Kairouan city but also from North Tunisia, mock them and their way of living. Well, people! That’s really not fair. What did they do to you so they will deserve such behaviour? They are poor. So what? They are black. So what? It does not matter. They have come to Raggeda to study, to ask for knowledge, and to succeed. Why hurt them? Why mock them? To tell you the truth, at first I started to become one of the mockers, one of the discriminators. But, then, I remembered my principles, what I have learnt in school, and what the messenger Mohammad - صلى الله عليه وسلم - taught us. Do you remember what did he do to one of his companions – Bilel- who used to be a black slave? He liberated him. He gave him freedom. He asked him to be the first one who says the Athen. He declared him equal to the rest of people. So, the ideology that “All men are equal” did not first come from Europeans. It came from Mohammad. It came from Muslims. It came from Islam, the religion of peace.
So, if you want to be anti- discriminators, you should not follow the lead of Europeans. You should follow the lead of Mohammad. Be modest because Pride is one of Allah’s qualities and nobody else has the right to share it with him. And if you want to be “cool” by mocking other people, you can also be so by being open- minded, nice and modest. Plus, you’ll see the feeling that you’ll get after such a noble behaviour. It is so much better then the feeling of satisfaction and popularity. It is the feeling of Faith, Belief, and Decency. Thus, may Allah bless all Muslims and Islam all over the world. And try not to forget the principles of your religion.
Written by: Nada Mrabet.. A freshmen..
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Ameur J

Ameur J

Nombre de messages : 930
Age : 67
Localisation : Kairouan & Ariana
Humeur : Optimiste
Loisirs : Faire qqch d\'utile
Date d'inscription : 27/09/2007

Freshmen in Raggeda : Discrimination: -- Wri Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Freshmen in Raggeda : Discrimination: -- Wri   Freshmen in Raggeda : Discrimination: -- Wri EmptyMar 3 Aoû - 15:14

I suggest the publication of this very pertinent essay on KCB. I need the author's and the Administrator's permission as well as Nada's photo and the class she's in presently.
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9arwia 7orra

9arwia 7orra

Nombre de messages : 309
Age : 33
Localisation : kairouan
Humeur : 7md
Loisirs : Anything that gives life and meaning to my mind and spirit
Date d'inscription : 28/07/2010

Freshmen in Raggeda : Discrimination: -- Wri Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Freshmen in Raggeda : Discrimination: -- Wri   Freshmen in Raggeda : Discrimination: -- Wri EmptyMar 3 Aoû - 22:19

Ok sir. You've got my permission. It's really an honor that you've liked my article. My name is Nada Habib Mrabet (2nd year English). But I wrote this article during my first academic year. And you may have my picture from this forum. However, if it is not clear enough, you can send me your email adress and I'll send a clear one to you.Thank you..
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Freshmen in Raggeda : Discrimination: -- Wri Empty
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